Eubranchus farrani from Sardinia
July 10, 2007
From: Mauro Doneddu

Dear Bill,
I am sending you a photo of two strange Eubranchus from Tavolara Island, Sardinia, Italy, that don't match with any of the Mediterranean species; the size is about 20 mm. I was thinking it could be a dark colour variation of Eubranchus vittatus (Alder & Hancock, 1842), but it is look different to any other E. vittatus I have seen; however, it is the closest match I've been able to make. Can you identify it?
Locality: Tavolara Island, North-East Sardinia, 4 metres, Italy, Mediterranean, upper photo: December 2006; lower photo: 05 july 2007. Length: 20 mm
Many thanks in advance
Kind regards,
Doneddu, M., 2007 (Jul 10) Eubranchus farrani from Sardinia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Mauro,
This is a nice confirmation of an identification I made last week. I identified a species as a dark form of Eubranchus farrani but I had a few doubts because I couldn't see the orange patches on the body very clearly [See Sylvie Grall's message #19975]. However your photo alongside shows the colour pattern very clearly.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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