Melibe fimbriata - egg ribbon
February 14, 2004
From: Andrej Jaklin

Dear Bill,
Here is a slide of an egg mass of Melibe fimbriata from the middle part of the Adriatic Sea. It was attached only with basal part (= beginning?) to detritus, and all the rest was free. The total length was around 5 cm. Unfortunately, direction is not clear and I forgot to take a note about that during that night dive. So at the moment it's just a small piece of information and the next time I'll be more thoughtful in obseration.
Best regards,
Jaklin, A., 2004 (Feb 14) Melibe fimbriata - egg ribbon. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Andrej,
These animals that live in soft substrates are special problems with laying their eggs and attaching them. It looks like the animal has found an algal filament to attach the egg ribbon to.
I have previously identified this animal as Melibe viridis as I think that is probably the oldest name for this large Indo-West Pacific species. However since Mediterranean have always been identified with Melibe fimbriata I have all the Mediterranean records of this species on the Forum to a Melibe fimbriata Page. It is still not clear to me just how many of these big Melibe species there are in the Indo-West Pacific. Hopefully soon to be published research will clarify the situation.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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