Melibe from Tunisia
March 25, 2009
From: Rym Zakhama-Sraieb

Dear Bill,
I found this species in Kerkennah Island (south of Tunisia) in 20 cm depth. The size of specimen is about 8 cm. It looses their cerata when we add formol. I'm not sure but I think that it's a sea slug; could you help me to identify it?
Best regards
Rym Zakhama-Sraieb
Unité de Recherche de Biologie Animale
et Systématique Evolutive
2094, Campus Universitaire, Manar II,
Faculté des Sciences de Tunis
Zakhama-Sraieb, R., 2009 (Mar 25) Melibe from Tunisia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Rym,
It is a bit difficult to make out much detail from your photos but from its size and general shape, I am pretty sure it is what we are calling Melibe fimbriata. Have a look at the species' Fact Sheet and the attached messages for more information. If you want to try photographing this species again, it might be an idea to keep it in a container without two large crabs. Melibe will cast its cerata at the slightist disturbance and large crabs would certainly disturb it!
Have a look at the other species of Melibe on the Forum as they are very fascinating animals, using their large oral hood to catch small crustacea.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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