Re: Discodoris atromaculata from Greece
February 25, 2004
From: Andrej Jaklin

Dear Bill,
Concerning Bakis' message #12294:
Since this is a kind of exotic species to you, here are two more Discodoris atromaculata "conventions" from the Adriatic Sea. The second shot might be interesting because of visible food-sponge damage on the surface.
Although this is a common, if not a very common species here around, I never ever saw its egg-mass in situ! I'm wondering if out there is someone with a slide or personal experience with that?
Best regards,
Jaklin, A., 2004 (Feb 25) Re: Discodoris atromaculata from Greece. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Thanks Andrej,
Seeing photos like this of a population in situ certainly underline just how 'obvious' and 'blatant' this species is. There seems to be little attempt to avoid potential predators, quite different from the cryptic and 'behaviourally timid' species from the Indo-West Pacific such as Discodoris lilacina which are seldom seen during the day and never in large numbers such as this. It certainly underlines the importance of the defensive chemicals these animals store in their bodies. [See D. atromaculata - References for a list of references on the biology and natural history of this species].
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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