Peltodoris atromaculata from southern Portugal?
August 11, 2007
From: Pedro Alexandrino Monteiro

Dear Bill.
Here are some photos of a sea slug specimen that was collected just a few days ago between the localities of Albufeira and Armação de Pêra (Algarve, South of Portugal). I've identified them as Discodoris atromaculata. Can you confirm this identification? This is an adult specimen was more than 40 mm.
Locality: Between Albufeira and Armação-de-Pêra, 20 - 24 metres, Algarvel (South of Portugal) , Atlantic Ocean, 23 Setember 2007, found attached under rock. Length: more than 40 mm. Photographer: Pedro Monteiro.
Best regards,
Pedro Alexandrino Monteiro
P.S. Project RENSUB II: CCMAR-CCDRALG-DRAOTA: "Cartography and characterization of the marine communities off the National Underwater Ecological Reserve between Galé and Ancão"
Universidade do Algarve
Campus de Gambelas
8005-139 Faro,
Algarve, Portugal
Monteiro, P., 2007 (Aug 11) Peltodoris atromaculata from southern Portugal?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Pedro,
Yes this is Discodoris atromaculata but I see in the latest checklist of the region (Cervera, 2006) the genus name Peltodoris is used. This species is in fact the type species of Peltodoris (see Valdes, 2002) which means it is the species on which the genus is based. Since I am accepting Peltodoris nobilis on the Forum it would be illogical not to include the type species, P. atromaculata, as well. So am changing the name of this species on the Forum back to its original name Peltodoris atromaculata.
J. L. Cervera, G. Calado, C. Gavaia, M. A. E. Malaquias, J. Templado, M. Ballesteros, J. C. García-Gómez & C. Megina. (2006) An annotated and updated checklist of the opisthobranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Spain and Portugal (including islands and archipelagos). Boletín Instituto Español de Oceanografía 20 (1-4): 1-122
Valdés, A. (2002) A phylogenetic analysis and systematic revision of the cryptobranch dorids (Mollusca, Nudibranchia, Anthobranchia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 136: 535-636.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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