Acanthodoris hudsoni or Cadlina luteomarginata?
December 31, 2004
From: Peter McGuinness

Thanks for your reply [#12838] about Navanax. I noticed your query from last year about the colour of Acanthodoris hudsoni and also noticed no-one sent you a picture of a yellow fringed one, so here's one from my collection.
Funnily enough, this chap has yellow in all the right places except the rhinphores.
Locality: Scripps Canyon, (North Branch) San Diego, California, USA.
Depth: 100 ft. Length: ? 6 September 2004, on vertical canyon wall
Photographer: Peter McGuinness
McGuinness, P., 2004 (Dec 31) Acanthodoris hudsoni or Cadlina luteomarginata?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Peter,
Thanks for the interesting photo. I suspect it is not Acanthodoris hudsoni. The rhinophores don't seem long enough and the shape of the gills doesn't look quite right. I suspect it is one of the animals at present called Cadlina luteomarginata, but you will see from my comments under that species that it is possible that there is more than one species. See Rebecca Johnson's message [#5163] for example. I look forward to some comments from Californian residents, who should have a better idea than me on the other side of the Pacific.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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