Acanthodoris hudsoni or Cadlina?
February 19, 2008
From: Paul Sim

Hello Bill.
This is just a photo of Acanthodoris hudsoni for your perusal and interest. Nothing to ID unless you'd like to take a stab at that (I think) juvenile scale worm or perhaps share a thought as to what it's doing there.
Locality: Grouse Island, Johnstone Strait, 40 feet, British Columbia, Canada, Pacific, 08 October 2007, rock wall. Length: 1-1/2 inches. Photographer: Paul Sim.
Paul Sim
Sim, P.D., 2008 (Feb 19) Acanthodoris hudsoni or Cadlina?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Hi Paul,
I wouldn't touch a scale worm ID with a ten foot poll. Just not my area of expertise. I am concerned that this may not be Acanthodoris however. Hard to tell from this helicopter shot, but the tubercles don't look tall and slender enough. Makes me wonder if this isn't Cadlina luteomarginata. Your thoughts are welcome.
Best regards,
Dave Behrens
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