Umbraculum mediterraneum
January 26, 2005
From: Luigi Montevecchi

Hi, Bill
There are two pictures of a big opisthobranch (Umbraculum mediterraneum), taken last summer in Italy. The second one is a close-up of its back. I appreciate your comments
Locality: Tremiti Islands - Caprara - Cala Caffè, Italy, Adriatic Sea
Depth: -27.7 m. Length: 80 mm approx. 17 August 2004
Rocky wall, sandy at the bottom (35 m). Photographer: Luigi Montevecchi
Montevecchi,L, 2005 (Jan 26) Umbraculum mediterraneum . [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Luigi,
There is not much more I can say on this species than you will find in the accompanying messages. One surprising feature of your animal is the remarkably clean shell. Usually in this species the shell is covered with growths. There must be something about where it lives which makes it difficult for fouling plants and animals to settle out of the plankton
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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