Umbraculum mediterraneum from France
July 29, 2002
From: Marina Poddubetskaia

Dear Bill,
Here is a photo of Umbraculum umbraculum. Or maybe it is Umbraculum mediterraneum? I'm not sure which name to use.
Date: July 02, 2002, Cerbere, France [Memditerranean], Site: L'Ocell, Depth: 12m, Size: 12-13cm.
Photos: Marina Poddubetskaia - Nembro website
Best wishes,
Poddubetskaia, M., 2002 (Jul 29) Umbraculum mediterraneum from France. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Marina,
Thanks for the photo. Concerning the name. You will see this has been discussed in earlier messages. The general feeling is that there is probably only one species of Umbraculum worldwide. If that is so the earliest name is Umbraculum umbraculum. However it is possible that the east Atlantic form could be distinguished as Umbraculum mediterraneum but I am not sure where that leaves animals from the west Atlantic. Despite a general trend to synonymise U. mediterraneum with U. umbraculum, no one has examined the anatomy of these two species to see if this is justified. Until someone does, I feel we might as well continue to differentiate the Atlantic and Indo-West Pacific populations with separate names. See continuing discussion in messages on both species pages.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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