Chromodoris from the Solomon Islands
March 23, 2005
From: Scott Johnson

Hi Bill,
The attached Chromodoris was photographed at Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, on a trip I made down there in 1994. The closest I could come to an ID is Chromodoris hamiltoni, which would be a considerable range extension from the eastern Indian Ocean. However, there is also some similarity to the Chromodoris cf strigata photographed by Bruce Potter, also from the Solomons.
Locality: Aruliho, Guadalcanal Island, Solomon Is. Depth: 12 m. Length: 15 mm. 8 April 1994. Exposed in ledge. Photographer: Scott Johnson.
Johnson, S., 2005 (Mar 23) Chromodoris from the Solomon Islands. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Scott,
I agree it fits the 'species' I am calling Chromodoris cf. strigata. I am not sure if it is a colour form of true Chromodoris strigata or not. I have found that sometimes parts of the black lines in some chromodorids are replaced by orange in some animals. I guess it is a chemical malfunction somwhere. That is why I still tend to think this may be a form of C. strigata, although we now have 3 individuals all fairly consistent in their colour pattern.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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