Chromodoris cf strigata feeding
November 28, 2006
From: Jim Anderson

Dear Bill
Here are a couple of images of the animal your have called Chromodoris cf strigata seen in NE Sulawesi earlier this year.
Locality: Bunaken Timor, 15 m, N E Sulawesi, Indonesia, Celebes Sea, 11 July 2006, reef. Length: 35 mm approx. Photographer: Jim Anderson.
Jim Anderson

Dear Jim,
Thanks for this find. I am pretty sure it shows this animal feeding on the light blue sponge which looks to be a Dysidea. It seems to be the same sponge that a specimen of C. strigata is feeding on in an earlier message [#14122]. Species of Chromodoris don't usually feed on dysideids, but this is one of a number of records we have on the Forum of C. strigata and C. cf strigata apparently breaking the rules.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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