Juvenile Pleurobranchus grandis from nthn NSW
May 13, 2005
From: Bill Rudman

To accompany my comments on Erwin Koehler's message [#13751] , here is a photo of an animal I collected 20 years ago in northern new South Wales, which I consider to be a juvenile of Pleurobranchus grandis. One feature wjhich seems characteristic of the species is the ring of small tuberclues which surround each large tubercle.
Locality: Angourie, northern New South Wales, 11 March 1982. 55mm long alive. AM C132979. Photo: Bill Rudman
The foot was an orange brown with reddish spots along the edge. At the posterior end of the foot the reddish spots merged to form a continuous red band at around the posterior tip.
Bill Rudman
Rudman, W.B., 2005 (May 13) Juvenile Pleurobranchus grandis from nthn NSW. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/13705Related messages
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