Pleurobranchus grandis from sthn Queensland
April 5, 2006
From: Ian Banks

I was hoping someone might be able to identify this Pleurobranchus.
It was working it's way around a rock pile. Have seen Pleurobranchus peroni many times but this is first sighting of this fellow.(over 300 dives in this area). I didn't take a lot of note on the size but approx. 30 mm
Locality: Gold Coast Seaway, 8 metres, Queensland. Australia, Pacific, 12 March 2006, Sandy rock pile. Length: 30 mm approx. Photographer: Ian Banks.
What do they feed on?
I.W.Banks, 2006 (Apr 5) Pleurobranchus grandis from sthn Queensland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Ian,
I have identified this colour form as a juvenile Pleurobranchus grandis in an earlier message [#13705]. The small size of your animal certainly supports that theory. Concerning what they eat. I am afraid we don't know the food of many sea slugs and this is another example. Some species of Pleurobranchus feed on ascidians so it is possible that this species does as well.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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