Geitodoris planata - mating
May 24, 2005
From: Philipp Kauffmann

Hello everybody,
The first picture shows a single Geitodoris planata. Is she feeding?
The other two pictures show two Geitodoris planata. WE watched them for about 5 minutse and they didn't move. Are they pairing? If yes how do they do it? Both animals have different colours. Is it because of their different sex?
Locality: Grevelingen Meer, Netherlands. Depth: 10 m. Length: 8-10 cm. 15 May 2005. Photographer: Philipp Kauffmann
Thanks a lot!

Dear Philipp,
It's hard to know whether or not the animal is feeding because their mouth is hidden under the mantle skirt. It could be the animal is just crawling around, or perhaps having a rest. Most of these big flat dorid nudibranchs are sponge feeders, but unless we actually catch them feeding, we have to be very cautious when we find one on a sponge. It could be its food, or it could just be something it is crawling over.
As I said in answer to your other message [#13822], all nudibranch are hermaphrodite so there are obviously no sexual differences in colour, size or shape. The colour differences are just part of the natural colour variation we find in many species. I have inclused a close-up of the mantle alongside as it shows the tubercles rather well.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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