Identification of Geitodoris planata
June 13, 2001
From: Bernard Picton

Hi Bill,
Here are pictures of Geitodoris planata for comparison with Archidoris pseudoargus. Its food is not known for certain but I suspect that it prefers to eat the sponge Mycale rotalis. The spawn coil has a more fluted edge than that of Archidoris pseudoargus. In my experience this is a scarce animal, normally only seen in ones and twos. I have sent photos of the acid glands, which form the typical stellate pattern on the mantle, and the spawn coil, in a separate message.
UPPER RIGHT: a tray of animals collected with Greg Brown in May 1976 - Rutland Channel, Burtonport, Co. Donegal, Ireland
LOWER LEFT: two animals - Garland Stone, Skomer, Wales - Jun 1989
LOWER RIGHT: Lough Hyne, Co. Cork, Ireland - 17 Mar 1990
Thanks Bernard,
Your multiple photos of this species and Archidoris pseudoargus certainly give us, who are unfamiliar with the species, a better understanding of its variation.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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