Re: Chromodoris elegantula
June 3, 2005
From: Egidio Trainito

Dear Bill,
Of course you can use scans of 59 and 61 pictures from my book. 59 is quite common in the Stagnone di Marsala in Sicily: it is so common that it has been filmed a week ago during the making of a TV series. It was not necessary to search for it, it was only there. It is so common that it would not be difficult to publish it.
Upper: [Photo 59 identified in Trainito as Chromodoris sp.]
Lower: [Photo 61 identified in Trainito as C. elegantula]
Trainito, E. 2003. Arlecchini mediterranei. Guida ai molluschi opistobranchi del Mediterraneo. [Mediterranean harlequins. A Field Guide to Mediterranean Sea Slugs ] Taphros, Olbia, Italy. 58 pp.
Thank you for your words about my book. In a few days it will be distributed in a new pocket edition, with more than 180 species and more than 300 photos. I have corrected some mistakes (C. cristallina is actually C. graeca) and identified some previously unknown species (like C. africana ).
Best wishes
Trainito, E., 2005 (Jun 3) Re: Chromodoris elegantula. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Egidio,
Thanks for permission to use your photos and thanks the information on the 'form' without red spots. I hope it doesn't start a 'goldrush' to the Stagnone di Marsala. Did you by chance notice if there were animals with small red spots around as well?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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