Bulla gouldiana - Gould's Bubble Snail
February 27, 2006
From: Barbara Jeanne Lloyd

I received an email from David Behrens mentioning that you were soliciting for shots of Bulla gouldiana. He saw three photos that were posted on http://week.divebums.com for this week.
These photos were taken last weekend using an Olympus C-8080 with an Ikelite Housing and NiteRider dual halogen lights.
Locality: Vallecitios Wall, La Jolla Shores, La Jolla, 10m, CA, USA, East Pacific, 20 February 2006, Sandy euphotic zone. Length: 10 - 15 cm. Photographer: Barbara Jeanne Lloyd.
Barbara Jeanne Lloyd

Dear Barbara,
Thanks for these photos. It certainly fills a gap. I've included a closeup showing the rolled left 'rhinophore' or head tentacle which acts as a siphon, drawing water down and over the Hancocks' Organs, which are a sensory patch on each side of the head in cephalaspideans, which sense chemicals in the water.
Also, in the photo alongside I have added a white line to show the distinction between the true foot, which ends about halfway down the shell, and the posterior mantle lobe, which looks like part of the foot, but is in fact an extension of the mantle tissue which lines the inside of the shell.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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