Bulla gouldiana from La Jolla, California
April 17, 2006
From: Barbara Jeanne Lloyd

Once again, I came across these in the flat sandy area. And once again, my lights failed me. But alas, my camera did not. This shot is much better than the last, and it shows the detail of the shell. Also, you can see the rolled head tentacle and the foot distinctly.
I find it interesting that in the six years I have dived this site weekly that this is only the first season where I have found these guys, or at least in abundance and size. This year I have found them in three distinct areas of this locality. They certainly only seem to like the flat, sandy areas at LJS.
Another interesting point, is this was a day dive and the water was unusually clear. There were at least a dozen of these guys. I was at the end of my dive and was reaching my gas limit so I can't say how many there really were, but these guys were much bigger than the ones I photographed 6 weeks ago.
You can see more of these snails at:
Locality: Vallecitios Wall, La Jolla Shores, La Jolla, 12m, California, USA, East Pacific , 2 April 2006, Sandy euphotic zone. Length: 15 cm. Photographer: Barbara JeanneLloyd.
Barbara Jeanne Lloyd
Lloyd, B.J., 2006 (Apr 17) Bulla gouldiana from La Jolla, California. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/16369
Dear Barbara,
It's nice to get photos of these animals. We tend to think of some of these shelled animals as 'common' and often there are mass 'wash ups' of shells on the beach, but as you have found it is often very difficult to find them alive. I have included a closeup to show how the posterior flaps [or 'ears'] on the head shield, overlap the shell opening and so block sand from entering the mantle cavity within the shell.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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