Elysia diomedea breeding in home aquarium
June 5, 2006
From: Matt Pedersen

Following my earlier messages [#15228 ], here are some more images of my Elysia diomedea. This was another of MANY egg ribbons laid by the Diomedeas. They are still producing egg ribbons and I'm willing to ship them within the US to anyone who'd like to try to raise them provided the recipient pays for shipping. For additional info, see my post on Reef Central - http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=838301 - the waiting list is currently a couple of people and the size of the egg ribbons is starting to drop (the pair is now rather "old" and is likely to complete their lifespan soon).
Best Regards,
Matt Pedersen

Dear Matt,
Thanks for the photos and the information on breeding these species of Elysia. I have had a look at Reef central message board and it seems people have had success at breeding E. diomedea, E. clarki and possibly E. crispata, but since the last two species have only just been sorted out it is a bit hard to be sure what 'E. crispata' means in earlier messages.
Looking through the messages on Reef cemtral it seems the two important points are to have filters on pump intakes so the swimmng veliger larvae are not sucked in, and to have a colony of the green alga Bryopsis, on which the larvae of the three species apparently settle and begin feeding. This is an interesting observation and needs confirmation. At present E. clarki juveniles are known to feed on Bryopsis, but I am not sure if earlier observations of E. crispata on Bryopsis refer to 'true' E. crispata or to E. clarki. I am not sure if there is any other information on the biology of E. diomedea.
I think it would be useful to have Fact Sheets on some of the common algae eaten by sacoglossans so if anyone has photos of Bryopsis I would be grateful
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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