Re: Elysia diomedea feeding requirements
August 19, 2008
From: Jake Weston

Concerning message #4509:
My Elysia diomedea will chomp down on mostly green algae species - my slug will clean the top 2-3 inches of my glass religiously, as well as grazing on live rock. I purchased it to help control my green hair algae (what i believe to be Bryopsis) and I have observed it munching down on fully grown strands of the awful Bryopsis. I have only had my slug for about 2 weeks or so and I think it layed a nice ribbon of eggs last night on a piece of liverock. These things are beautiful.
Locality: Monterey Peninsula, n/a, CA, USA, Unknown, August 15th, 2008, Reef tank. Length: 40 mm. Photographer: Jake Weston.
Jake Weston
Weston, J., 2008 (Aug 19) Re: Elysia diomedea feeding requirements. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Jake,
Thanks for the background information. There are a number of photos of this species' eggs on the Forum [see message #16793]. As you have only had your slug for two weeks it is possible that it mated before you bought it. If so, it is possible its eggs are fertile. It will be interesting to hear if you have any success in raising young Elysia. I don't think we have any information on breeding in captivity in your species but there is some information on two other species, E. clarki and E. crispata, which have commonly been called 'lettuce slugs'. However because their identity has been confused in the past I am not sure if the information available refers just to E. clarki or to both species. Have a look through the relevant messages attached to the Fact Sheets for both those species.
I have attached a close-up of your photo as it shows the rolled structure of the rhinophores [head tentacles] in this species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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