Chromodoris hintuanensis from the Philippines
July 3, 2007
From: Carlos R. Munda

I would appreciate help in identifying what this is.
Locality: anilao, batangas, 10 meters, philippines, pacific, 18 February 2007, muddy. Length: 2-3 inches. Photographer: carlos r. munda, jr..
Carlos Munda
Munda, C., 2007 (Jul 3) Chromodoris hintuanensis from the Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Carlos,
This is Chromodoris hintuanensis. The photo is quite interesting because it shows the way this species flaps the front of the mantle up and down and how the underside is deep purple. Chromodoris geometrica and a number of other similar species also have this purple patch.
On a separate matter. This email has taken me some months to answer. One of the reasons I can't answer all the messages I get quickly is that I have to spend a lot of time 'editing' them. This one had two quite different species in it. Every time I have to split a message into two or three it means I have to waste time I could be spending on answering questions. Also can you please use upper case letters at the start of place names and include 'island' etc when necessary not: anilao, batangas. And please no names in full upper case such CARLOS. This is not a complaint aimed specially at you - lots of other participants are not following the simple rules I ask for [see Instructions on sending messages]. Your message is just a good example of the problems I have. If everyone followed these requests I would have more time to do what I can do best - answer messages.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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