Chromodoris hintuanensis? from Thailand
May 1, 2003
From: Harro Quitzau

Hello Bill,
Please can you help me? I'm not sure if both these are Chromodoris hintuanensis. Or no one? Found in Thailand
Upper: Dive Site: Phuket Kamala - Tin Lizzy - at March 08, 2002 (Deep 9,5m)
Lower: Dive Site: Phuket Kamala - House reef - at March 09, 2002 (Deep 4m)
Can you please verify?
Harro Quitzau
Quitzau, H., 2003 (May 1) Chromodoris hintuanensis? from Thailand. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Harro,
Thanks for the photos. Every set of photos I have been sent of these yellow spotted animals is helping to sort them out. First, the lower photo is a juvenile Risbecia pulchella. See my recent message discussing this species.
The upper photo certainly fits on of the 'colour forms' of Chromodoris hintuanensis. It is very similar to Mary Jane Adam's photos from Burma, but your animal has only one yellow spot ringed with purple. I am more and more convined that the Andaman Sea region seems to be a place where yellow-spotted species are evolving - or have evolved, much like the blue chromodorids of the Mediterranean or the red-spotted chromodorids of southeastern Australia.
One interesting feature I can see in your photo is that the gills are essentially quadrangular in cross section. I can clearly see the outside face of a number of gills with two purple lines outlining their edges. The inside fae of the gills is less easy to see but I can see at least one pair of purple lines, quite close together but at least a double line. If not quadrangular in cross-setion they are more than triangular. Looking through the other photos on the Forum, it is not that easy to see this feature but a can see double outer lines in both major colour forms - another feature liking them together.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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