Rostanga pulchra from Point Lobos, California
July 23, 2007
From: Clinton Bauder

Hi Bill and Dave,
Jackie's animal in message #20139 reminded me that I have some more nice pictures of Rostanga pulchra from Point Lobos that show the details of the gills and rhinophores perhaps better than the images already on the forum. One of them also has it on a pink sponge that's a bit different from the orange sponges I usually see them on.
Locality: Point Lobos State Reserve, 15 meters, California, USA, Pacific, 4 March 2007 [lower photo] and 22 May 2007 [upper photo], Rocky Reef. Length: 20 mm. Photographer: Clinton Bauder.
By the way, for what it's worth (and that's probably not very much) I agree with Dave that Jackie's animal is Rostanga based on the rhinophores.
Bauder, C., 2007 (Jul 23) Rostanga pulchra from Point Lobos, California. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Clinton,
Thanks for these great photos. I think its the best Rostanga rhinophore photo I have seen. Not all species of Rostanga have these rhinophores with almost vertical lamellae, but quite a few do. [I have played around with the colour in the rhinophore inset in top photo to show detail].
We can also see the caryophyllidia [tubercles with a crown of spicules] which cover the mantle in species of Rostanga and Jorunna
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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