Re: Rostanga pulchra from Vancouver Island
July 30, 2008
From: Jackie Hildering

Concerning message #16094:
Here some more little orange blobs of Rostanga pulchra with their eggs. Animals and eggs were found and identified by the grade 9 science class of Port Hardy Secondary School.
Locality: Port Hardy , intertidal, British Columbia, Canada. Pacific Ocean, 10 April 2008, Intertidal. Length: 2 cm. Photographer: Jackie Hildering.
Jackie Hildering

Hi Jackie,
Interesting submission, but puzzling too. The dorids look a bit shiny for Rostanga which is usually covered with caryophllidia, but maybe these two have secreted slime. The other puzzle is that the two eggs ribbons are quite different morphologically, suggesting that could from different species. The second, whitish ribbon appears to be a wide ribbon attached on edge, whereas the more classical Rostanga ribbon is tighter and flat. I guess we will never know.
Best wishes,
Dave Behrens
Behrens, D.W., 2008 (Jul 30). Comment on Re: Rostanga pulchra from Vancouver Island by Jackie Hildering. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
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