Phyllidia multifaria ? from the Red Sea
April 21, 2008
From: Eddy Mannak

Dear Bill,
I did take this photo last June when I was on a diving holiday in Egypt. I did saw there a lot of nudibranchs like always and most of them I did determine my self already. But by this one I need some help.
The picture is not really good, but I still hope you can see what you need to see for determine this nudibranch. Underwater I take a quick shot from this nudibranche because I thought that it was a Fryeria rueppelii. And I saw that several times before and have also some nice pictures of them. Later at home when I was looking to the pictures I saw that there was no yellow at the end of the mantle. And I mean that is one of the chararistics of Fryeria rueppelii. But if it is not a Fryeria rueppelii what is then?
Locality: Hurghada, 20 metres, Egypt, Red Sea, 24 June 2007. Length: 30-40 mm. Photographer: Eddy Mannak.
So if I do not know which species it is I always look at the Seaslug Forum to find it out. From the pictures I saw on the Seaslug Forum I would see that it is probably a Phyllidia elegans. But I'm not sure of that and therefore I need some more help. So please can you determine this species for me.
Greetings from Holland,
Eddy Mannak
Mannak, E., 2008 (Apr 21) Phyllidia multifaria ? from the Red Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Eddy,
Phyllidia elegans might be the correct answer but I am afraid some of the phyllidiids still need a lot of work. There is also the possibility that this is Phyllidia multifaria, but if you look at earlier discussions on the Forum there is some doubt about that species as well. I am tentatively identfying it as P. multifaria but not with great conviction.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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