Phyllidia multifaria ? from the Persian Gulf
May 4, 2010
From: Mahdi Moradi Och Tapeh

During my researches on Coral Reef in Persian Gulf I found this species on coral Reef bed in Larak & Qeshm Island, and I need to your guidance about identification and biology information of this species?
Locality: Larak Island- Bandar Abbas , 3-8 m , Iran , Persian Gulf , 4 May, Rocky bed. Length: 2-4 cm . Photographer: Omid Alizade .
Best Regard
Mahdi Moradi
Moradi, M., 2010 (May 4) Phyllidia multifaria ? from the Persian Gulf. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Mahdi,
This is a phyllidiid dorid. Unfortunately there are still some issues with the identification of phyllidiids, the most difficult being our inabiity to determine just how many species there are. Your specimen looks very like Phyllidia multifaria, a species which at present is known only from the northern Red Sea. There is another 'species' known only from the Red Sea, P. schupporum, which also looks very similar, but as is discussed on the Forum, it is most probably the same as P. multifaria.
Another possibility is Fryeria rueppelii, but in that species there is usually a yellow border around the mantle edge, and the anus opens below the mantle skirt.
My best guess is that this is P. multifaria, which would suggest it has a wider distribution than just the Red Sea.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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