Acanthodoris pilosa from Puget Sound
March 17, 2008
From: Richard L. Zade

I found this mating pair and I am confused as to the ID of these guys. Separately I would name as two different speacies but together, I am not sure.
Locality: Port Townsend , 45 ft, WA, USA, Puget Sound, 16 November 2007, Rock Jetty. Length: 1 cm. Photographer: Richard Zade.
Richard Zade
Zade, R.L., 2008 (Mar 17) Acanthodoris pilosa from Puget Sound. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Hi Rich,
Members of the family Onchidorididae can be variable in coloration, with several species seeming to form a color gradation. My guess is this pair is Acanthodoris pilosa as I do not see a yellow margin, and no red on the tips of the rhinophores or gills. The dark colored individual is new to me. Very interesting.
Dave Behrens
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