Adalaria proxima? from Massachusetts
July 11, 2002
From: Andrew Martinez

Dear Bill,
Would you please tell me if this nudibranch is Adalaria proxima. My other choice is Onchidoris muricata. I am fairly sure it is Adalaria but I have never seen one before this day. I photographed this on Jan 26, 2002, in 25 feet (8 meters) close to shore on rocks. In Cape Ann, Massachusetts United States
Attached are two views of the same animal.
Thanking you in advance,
Andrew Martinez
Martinez, A., 2002 (Jul 11) Adalaria proxima? from Massachusetts. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Andrew,
I agree that these are the two most likely possibilities, but since ecologists who work with large numbers of these two species in Europe, have great difficulty separating them from one another externally, I am very hesitant to jump in with anything definitive. I think the fairly pointed papillae we can see in your photos is characteristic of Adalaria proxima. Perhaps one of our European colleagues will be more confident.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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