Re: Armina sp. 1. from Indonesia
August 20, 2008
From: Teresa Zuberbühler

Concerning message #3277:
Dear Bill
I send you photos of Armina sp. 1 eating a sea pen. I was amazed how fast it was eating - in perhaps one minute half of the sea pen was striped and no polyps were left. When the nudibranch crawled away only the hard stem of that sea pen was left.
I found this nudibranch in an area where there are a lot of colonial sea pens and since visibilty is always a bit low, they are out also during the day.
Locality: Maumere, 15m, Flores, Indonesia, Pacific, August 07, muddy with very fine sand mixed with volcanic ash. Length: 5-6cm. Photographer: Teresa (Zubi) Zuberbühler.
Teresa Zubi
Zuberbühler, T., 2008 (Aug 20) Re: Armina sp. 1. from Indonesia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Zubi,
Thanks for the photos. I am not sure if this is Armina sp. 1, but at present we don't know enough about these species to make decisions about colour variability etc. Whatever its name is, like all members of the genus, it certainly enjoys eating sea pens.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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