Aldisa erwinkoehleri from Thailand [2]
February 5, 2009
From: Marcel Tanke

Hi Bill,
Here are the other 3 other pictures of the Aldisa, as per my previous message [#22213].
Locality: Phi Phi and Simalan Islands, About 15 m, Thailand, Ademan Sea, January 2009. Length: about 2 cm. Photographer: Marcel Tanke.
Best regards,
Tanke, M.A., 2009 (Feb 5) Aldisa erwinkoehleri from Thailand [2]. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Marcel,
Although these animals lack yellow, the blackish rhinophores and the forked shape of the black mantle pattern. suggest to me that these are also Aldisa erwinkoehleri rather than A. williamsi.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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