Another amazing phyllidiid mimic
December 31, 1998
From: Michael Miller

Dear Bill,
In reviewing my slide collection of Phyllidiids(?), I came across a pic taken almost 10 years ago in Thailand. As a result of the discussion on your site regarding Phyllidiid mimics, care was taken to see if any exhibited gills. Sure enough, much to my surprise a pair did!!! Have attached same for your review. Hope the digital rendition has sufficient resolution to see the gills!!
Happy New Year;
Thanks Mike,
The gills can be seen loud & clear!
Perhaps your find will send some others back to their slide collections! I would say your animal is a different species from the one we are calling Discodoris? liturata. Any information on size, date and locality would be useful for future reference. Your animals remind me of a species of Phyllidia whereas Discodoris? liturata looks like a Phyllidiella.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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