Gymnodoris from Larak Island, Iran
May 3, 2010
From: Mahdi Moradi Och Tapeh

In duration my researches on Coral Reef in Persian Gulf I did find these species on coral Reef bed in Larak & Qeshm Island, and I need to your guidance about identification and biology information of this species?
Locality: Larak Island - Bandar abbas, 2m, Iran , Persian Gulf , 23 July 208, N 26 49' 35.2", E 56 19' 20.2". Length: 3.5cm. Photographer: Mohammad Sharif Ranjbar.
Best Regards
Mahdi Moradi
Moradi, M., 2010 (May 3) Gymnodoris from Larak Island, Iran. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Mahdi,
This is Gymnodoris rubropapulosa. It usually has more orange spots than in your specimens, but the raised and rounded tubercles, and spots right at the edge are characteristic. If you look at earlier messages on the Forum about this species you will see it feeds on other opisthobranchs
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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