Gymnodoris rubropapulosa from Gulf of Oman
January 19, 2001
From: Gordon T. Smith

Dear Bill,
On reviewing my photographs of Gymnodoris rubropapulosa and comparing them to other specimens, the Gulf of Oman species does not seem to have as many orange spots (see photo). I was amazed at how fast these creatures travel also. This example was found (along with 2 others) in 15 metres of water and was approximately 4 cm long.
Smith, G.T., 2001 (Jan 19) Gymnodoris rubropapulosa from Gulf of Oman. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Gordon,
Gymnodorids certainly seem to be less 'sluggish' than many nudibranchs. perhaps it is the nature of their diet. I guess if you hunt moving prey like gymnodorids do, it is more important to be able to move quickly than if you feed on things that don't move, like sponges.
Concerning colour differences. Have a look at my photo at the top of the page from Koumac, New Caledonia. You will see a pair of animals, one with the white background and relatively sparse orange spots, like your photo, with a more 'typical animal with trnslucent background and closer and larger orange spots. I can find no anatomical differences between the two colour forms which can occur together.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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