Dolabella auricularia from Solomon Ids
October 13, 2000
From: Bruce Potter

I was diving in the Russell group of the Solomon Islands last weekend, and on a site known as East Mane, I found a slug I have been looking for for years. It was a Dolabella auricularia.
The odd thing about this find was that it was nine meters down a shear wall. At one stage as it was moving about, it's disproportionate rear end fell of the wall, and it was only saved from falling by holding on by its front end. I have always understood that it inhabits flat sites.
It was quite large at about 45-50 cm. There was plenty of algae and green stuff on the site.
Bruce Potter.
Potter, B., 2000 (Oct 13) Dolabella auricularia from Solomon Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Bruce,
The only rule of thumb about where sea slugs are likely to occur is that if their food is there there is always a chance. Dolabella are hardly the most graceful of animals and as you describe are often caught off balance. I have even found Bursatella leachi which is usually found on flat sandy or muddy bottoms, crawling over rocky regions, usually after wet weather when ther is a lot of silt settling out of the water.
best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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