Re: Sea slug from Sagami Bay

May 3, 2002
From: Scott Johnson

Hi Bill,
Afraid I don't have any ideas about the identity of Kumiko Origuchi's Sagami Bay dorid, but it does bear some resemblance to a species already on the Forum, Doris(?) sp 9, from the Marshall Islands.
Scott Johnson

Johnson, S., 2002 (May 3) Re: Sea slug from Sagami Bay. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Scott,
I'll move it from the 'unidentified page'.
Bill Rudman


Doris? sp. 9.

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  1. Re: Doris? sp. 9
    From: Haruo Kinoshita, July 19, 2002
  2. Sea slug from Sagami Bay
    From: Kumiko Origuchi, May 2, 2001
  3. Dorid from the Marshall Islands
    From: Scott Johnson, February 21, 2000

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