Re: Doris? sp. 9

July 19, 2002
From: Haruo Kinoshita

Hi Bill,
I know this animal was previously in the unidentified pages of this Forum. It seems however that it has recently moved to another page. What is the name of page that you identified ?

UPPER: Izu Ocean Park, Izu peninsula, Japan, 19-Jun-2000
Depth: 35m
Length: ?
Photo: Haruo Kinoshita
LOWER LEFT: Hachijo Island, Japan, 26-Mar-2002
Depth: 45m
Length: 15mm
Photo: Haruo Kinoshita
LOWER RIGHT: Yawatano, Izu peninsula, Japan, 27-Apr-2002.
Depth: 34m
Length: 10mm
Photo: Haruo Kinoshita

Haruo Kinoshita

Kinoshita, H., 2002 (Jul 19) Re: Doris? sp. 9. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Haruo,
I have moved this to Doris? sp 9. Still basically unidentified, but with Scott Johnson's photo I decided to move it from the 'unidentified' pages. Sorry if it appeared to disappear.

It is difficult to keep track of messages about 'unnamed' species or of 'species' which change their names. This is one reason we changed the way we cite messages on the Forum some time ago. The citation is now based on the unique number each message has. This means that no matter how many times I change the page a message is on it can always be found.
For example:
This if course won't help when you 'just know' it was on the unidentified page but hopefully it does make things a bit easier.
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2002 (Jul 19). Comment on Re: Doris? sp. 9 by Haruo Kinoshita. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Doris? sp. 9.

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