Phyllidia alyta from Reunion Island
November 12, 2002
From: Marina Poddubetskaia

Dear Bill,
Here are some shots of Phyllidia alyta. The ventral view (it is the upper animal of the first photo, taken in a tank) shows well the black median line of the foot, characteristic of this species.
Upper Right: 2 animals mating? St-Leu, Reunion Island, Indian Ocean. Site: Maison Verte. Depth: 13m. Size: 25-30mm. October 06, 2002. Lower Left: ventral view of larger animal in upper right photo.
Lower Right): Location: St-Leu, Reunion. Island, Indian Ocean. Site: Eboulis Reef. Depth: 14m. Size: 45-50mm. October 10, 2002
Photos: Marina Poddubetskaia - Nembro website
Best wishes,
Thanks Marina,
This is another of the interesting Indian Ocean phyllidiids we still need to learn more about. It has interesting similarities in colour to both P. varicosa and P. elegans, both species which also have a black median line on the sole of the foot.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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