Phyllidia elegans from the Maldives
March 23, 2003
From: Orhan Aytur

Here is a photo of a Phyllidia sp. Having read the descriptions of both, I am still not sure if it is Phyllidia varicosa or Phyllidia coelestis?
Date: January 2002
Location: Fesdu Wreck, Ari Atoll, Maldive Islands
Depth: 20-24m
Aytur, O., 2003 (Mar 23) Phyllidia elegans from the Maldives. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from added March 25 2003: This is probably a juvenile P. alyta.
Dear Orhan,
This is a species of Phyllidia but it is Phyllidia elegans.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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