Facelina rhodopos from the Red Sea (1)
January 13, 2003
From: Nathalie Yonow

Dear Bill
Here are some photos of Facelina rhodopos, which I recently named. It doesn't appear to be too uncommon in the Red Sea. I realize the genera are somewhat complicated in aeolids. but Facelina was the best available. The species is characterised by a translucent yellow to orange body, cerata, and tentacles. There are opaque marks on the tail and sub-termainal ceratal ring which are peach to pink. The cerata are arranged in seven or eight clusters of 6 to 15 club-shaped cerata with have a terminal nipple. These two photos are by Jurgen Kuchinke, who took beautiful photos in the Red Sea. He sadly died last year.
More Red Sea things in due course!
Nathalie Yonow
Yonow, N., 2003 (Jan 13) Facelina rhodopos from the Red Sea (1). [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/8608Thanks Nathalie
Welcome to the Forum. I look forward to many more contributions.
Bill Rudman
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