Facelina rhodopos from the Philippines
January 22, 2003
From: Erwin Koehler

Hi Bill,
Attached are 2 shots from the Philippines, identified by David W. Behrens as Eubranchus sp. page 159 in Mr. Ono's book - now named Facelina rhodopos.
Upper Right Image:
Size: 11mm
Depth: 11m
Date: 08.March 2002
Country: Philippines
Village: Lipayo, Negros Oriental Island
Location: Dauin
Lower Right Image:
Size: 14mm
Depth: 11m
Date: 04.March 2002
Country: Philippines
Village: Lipayo, Negros Oriental Island
Location: "El Dorado" housereef, nightdive
Koehler, E., 2003 (Jan 22) Facelina rhodopos from the Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/8916Thanks Erwin,
It's certainly not taking long to increase its distribution from a Red Sea 'endemic' to a widepread Indo-West Pacific species.
Bill Rudman
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