Phyllidia carlsonhoffi
Brunckhorst, 1993
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Phyllidiidae
Known from the western Pacific Ocean (Micronesia, Papua New Guinea and Fiji)
14 m depth, Ponape, 21 Aug. 1985, dorsal view of 43 mm specimen, Photo: C. Carlson & P. Hoff (Brunckhorst, 1993: Plate 3 D).
Notes compiled from Brunckhorst, 1993:
Phyllidia carlsonhoffi is characterised by alternating large conical and small rounded tubercles (not joined as ridges), long, rounded oral tentacles, and a median black line on the foot sole. Phyllidia varicosa, Phyllidia elegans and Phyllidia tula each have a median black line on the foot sole. Phyllidia varicosa and P. elegans possess notal ridges and compound tubercles (P. carlsonhoffi has neither) and are blue-grey and pink respectively. Phyllidia tula appears to be similar to P. carlsonhoffi, but differs in a number of features. Ventrally, P. tula is always dark grey whereas P. carlsonhoffi is paler in colour. The oral tentacles are triangular in P. tula, whereas they are long and cylindrical in P. carlsonhoffi. Dorsally, P. tula is more tuberculate with a graduated series of tubercles which decreases in size from very large in the centre to tiny and closely packed at the margin. The tubercles of P. carlsonhoffi are evenly spaced with alternating large and small tubercles. Phyllidia madangensis is very similar to P. carlsonhoffi dorsally, however the former lacks alternating smaller tubercles, its larger tubercles are sparsely scattered, and it lacks markings on both the foot sole.
• Brunckhorst, D.J. (1993) The systematics and phylogeny of Phyllidiid Nudibranchs (Doridoidea). Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement 16: 1-107.
Rudman, W.B., 1999 (January 12) Phyllidia carlsonhoffi Brunckhorst, 1993. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/phylcarl
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