Elysia sp. 15
Family: Elysiidae
Upper:Obyan Beach, 0.3m, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, Pacific Ocean, 7 June 2006, on shallow flat reef. Length: 8mm. Photographer: Yukari Tani.
Lower: San Antonio,, reef flat, Saipan, North Mariana Ids, Pacific, 27 December 1985. Length: 14 mm. Photographer: C. Carlson & P.J. Hoff
This is apparently an unnamed species. It has quite obvious tubercles on the parapodia, the pericardium is quite inflated, and there is a pinkish mark on the 'neck' in the dorsal midline just at the anterior end of the parapodia. The parapodia are edged with a double green line and there are longitudinal green lines on the outside of the parapodia. Carlson & Hoff note that the radula is serrate. Host is Chlorodesmis fastigiata.
See Elysia sp. 14 which has a purple mark on the 'neck' but at the level of the eyes.
Authorship detailsRudman, W.B., 2006 (July 28) Elysia sp. 15 [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/elyssp15
Related messages
Re: Elysia sp. 14 from Nthn Mariana Ids
July 31, 2006
From: Clay Carlson & Patty Jo Hoff

Concerning message #17147:
We think it is probably wise to keep the two separate. The specimens we have all (except 1) have a pinkish spot on the neck about where the parapodia join - not a line over the dorsum at 'eye level'. All of the specimens we have observed (8) have projections on the edge of the parapodia. The projections on the sides of the parapodia appear to be quite variable. The host for all of our specimens appears to be Chlorodesmis fastigiata.
Locality: Guam, reef flat, Western Pacific. Upper photo: 10 June 1988, Length: 4.5 mm. Lower photo: 5 March 1990, Length: 6.0 mm. Photographer: Carlson & Hoff.
Carlson, C & Hoff, P-J., 2006 (Jul 31) Re: Elysia sp. 14 from Nthn Mariana Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/17242
Dear Clay,
It certainly seems to be consistently different. I'll call it Elysia sp. 15
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Re: Elysia sp. 14 from Nthn Mariana Ids
July 20, 2006
From: Yukari Tani

Concerning message #15794:
Dear Dr.Bill,
We have found another specimen of the Elysia in Carlson & Hoff's message #15794. We think it's a different species from the animal in our message #15755.
Locality: Obyan Beach, 0.3m, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, Pacific Ocean, 7 June 2006, on shallow flat reef. Length: 8mm. Photographer: Yukari Tani.
Would you tell us your advice, please ?
Best regards,
Yukari Tani, 2006 (Jul 20) Re: Elysia sp. 14 from Nthn Mariana Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/17147
Dear Gon,
I suspect you are right. This animal, and Carlson & Hoff's, have quite obvious tubercles on the parapodia, and a pinkish mark in the dorsal midline just at the anterior end of the parapodia. Your earlier animal [message #15755] has a much smoother appearance, and has a dark purple band across the neck at the level of the eyes.
I'll wait for some comment from Clay & Patty Jo, but I think I should probably consider them to be two separate species
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Re: Unknown elysiid from Nthn Mariana Ids
February 14, 2006
From: C. Carlson & P-J Hoff

Concerning message #15755:
Here are some more examples to go along with the unknown from the N. Marianas. The animals can be quite variable relative to the amount of green pigmentation as well as the number and intensity of the lateral lines. The pink on top of the head has been common to all we have seen. The Saipan animal shown here appears to have an 'inflated' pericardium relative to the other specimens we have seen. Radula is serrate. Host is Chlorodesmis fastigiata.
Upper two photos: San Antonio,, reef flat, Saipan, North Mariana Ids, Pacific, 27 December 1985. Length: 14 mm. Photographer: Carlson & Hoff
Lower photo: 6 mm; Guam, Bile Bay, Reef Flat; 5 March 1990. Photographer: Carlson & Hoff
Clay Carlson & Patty Jo Hoff
Carlson, C & Hoff, P-J., 2006 (Feb 14) Re: Unknown elysiid from Nthn Mariana Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/15794
Dear Clay,
Thanks for these photos. They certainly show it is quite variable in colour. It's surprising such as distinctive colour pattern has not been described before - perhaps it has under an extreme colour variant.
Perhaps Kathe has some ideas
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman