Phyllidia mimics again
July 3, 1999
From: Erwin Koehler

attached 2 photos by Georg Heinze: Thailand, Similan Is., March 1999, size unknown. Colour-variants or different species?
Dear Erwin,
I think they are both what I am calling here Doris? sp. 2. One seems to have more yellow than usual and the other less than usual, but the black lines and arrangement of tubercles seem to be constant.
Bill Rudman.
Rudman, W.B., 1999 (Jul 3). Comment on Phyllidia mimics again by Erwin Koehler. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Aldisa erwinkoehleri from Thailand [2]
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Aldisa erwinkoehleri from Thailand, laying red eggs [1]
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Aldisa erwinkoehleri from the Andaman Sea
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Aldisa erwinkoehleri - another species update
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Phyllidia-mimic from Thailand
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Another amazing phyllidiid mimic
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