Gymnodoris rubropapulosa from the Solomon Ids
July 25, 2003
From: Bruce Potter

Dear Bill,
Even after 14 years of diving in Honiara, I still occasionally find something new. I found this Gymnodoris rubropapulosa yesterday on a coral and rubble site on the outskirts of Honiara.
It was about 25mm long, at 15m depth.
A few months ago I saw a very small Gymnodoris alba, which I did not photograph, which is a shame as I do not see it on the forum. A friend of mine did photograph it, but it did not come out very well.
Bruce Potter.
Potter, B., 2003 (Jul 25) Gymnodoris rubropapulosa from the Solomon Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Thanks Bruce,
I have the feeling that if you wait long enough at any spot in the tropics, all the species reported from the region will eventually appear
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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