Elysia diomedea from Mexico
June 25, 2003
From: José Luis Serrano

I tried to find my nudi on the list with no success. I just want to know about it cause it was an impulsive purchase. I bought it on the fish store (Mexico City). I don't know from where it came from (the LFS neither), it is about 3 inches long. I thought it was a Elysia crispata, but the pattern of lines along the body (instead of "spots") and the "horn" shape changed my mind.
Thanks a lot in advance
José Luis Serrano.
Serrano, J.L., 2003 (Jun 25) Elysia diomedea from Mexico. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/10304Dear José,
I think your animal is Elysia diomedea, which is common on the Pacific coast of Mexico. It is quite similar to E. crispata so if you are lucky it should survive in your aquarium. If you look through the earlier messages on E. diomedea you should find some clues on what to do to keep it happy. Hopefully someone will be able to confirm my identification
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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