Sagaminopteron ornatum from sthn Queensland
January 30, 2004
From: Gary Cobb

Hi Bill!
I was branching at Old Woman Island, [Sunshine Coast, sthn Queensland, Australia] on Saturday [January 2004] and a nice photo of Sagaminopteron ornatum. I never thought their gills were exposed while travelling.
Depth: 9m
Temp: 25C
Gary Cobb
Cobb, G., 2004 (Jan 30) Sagaminopteron ornatum from sthn Queensland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Gary,
Nice photo showing the gills. The gills expand and contract somewhat and also can be hidden in the parapodial fold. The animal is often sensitive to stimuli - shadows, flashes etc so often the gills are withdrawn when people are around.
If you have any other photos see if you can see anything intersting at the 'mouth end' of its body. I have a feeling I can see some little tube worms in your photo but they are out of focus. Obviously a photo won't prove their eating them but it might be a useful indication of where to look
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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