Facelina? from the Red Sea
May 17, 2005
From: Oren Lederman

Hi Bill,
I think this is a Facelina rhodopos. I believe that there are two different nudis in the photos i attached. While taking a photo of the first one, one of the divers caused a small gush of water. Afterwards i couldn't find this first one, but i saw a small "ball" carried in the current, landing on the surface of the rock, unfolding, revealing a beautiful Facelina. It appears to be smaller, and slightly different, so i believe it's a different one.
Locality: The "Dekel" beach. Israel. Red Sea. Depth: ~15 meters. Length: ~4 cm (first), ~3 cm (second). 12 May 2005. Photographer: Oren Lederman
Oren Lederman

Thanks Oren,
It certainly has similarities to Facelina rhodopos but that species has lamellate rhinophores while your animal has smooth ones. That species is not so spectacularly coloured either. It has remarkable similarities in colour to Godiva quadricolor but that species doesn't have smooth rhinophores, and the position of the blue and red-orange bands on the cerata are reversed. But the colour markings on the head, rhinophores and oral tentacles are almost identical.
Without some anatomical information I can't even guess a genus so I will just call it Facelina sp. 1. I agree that you had 2 animals. If you have a look at the close-up alongside there is an extra set of oral tentacles and rhinophores!
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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