Dolabella auricularia from Forster, NSW.
March 23, 2006
From: Colin Malakou

Whatsitsname? emits a red dye/blood when touched
Locality: Forster, nthn New South Wales, Australia, Depth: 1 ft. 21/22 March 2006, sand/slip. Length: under 30cm. Photographer: Colin.
Colin Malakou
Malakou. C., 2006 (Mar 23) Dolabella auricularia from Forster, NSW.. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Colin,
Your animal is Dolabella auricularia. It is a Sea Hare, many of which produce a reddish or purple ink when disturbed. Your animal looks like it has been damaged because I can see part of its shell sticking out of its back. In this animal the shell is a flattened spiral, usually hidden in the skin [see D. auricularia shell Fact Sheet ]. If you look around the Forum you will find quite a bit of information on the Sea Hares.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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