Colour form of Hypselodoris maculosa from the Philippines
October 8, 2007
From: James A. Loyola

Hi Bill.
Here is another nudi i cant find a match for in my books. I think its a Hypselodoris and looks similar to the Hypselodoris alboterminata posted in this forum. However, the rhino is different and this one has spots on the stripes. Hope you can identify this one for me. Thank you.
Locality: Kaputian Beach, Samal Island, 30-40 feet, Davao, Philippines, Pacific Ocean, 29 September 2007, coral rubble. Length: 0.5 inches. Photographer: James A. Loyola.
James A. Loyola
James A. Loyola, 2007 (Oct 8) Colour form of Hypselodoris maculosa from the Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear James,
There are a number of chromodorids with white longitudinal lines and white spots at the posterior and anterior ends of the mantle like H. alboterminata. My first thought when I saw your photos was Pectenodoris aurora because of the rows of purple spots bordered with white lines, but they are in the wrong place.
I am pretty sure this is a colour form of Hypselodoris maculosa. Have a look at my comments about a very similar animal from Sulawesi in a message from Ken Tucker [#19361]
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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