Gymnodoris rubropapulosa feeding
April 7, 2008
From: Kristin Anderson

We noticed a distinct decline in the number of "usual" nudibranchs we saw over the weekend and an increase in the number (and size!) of some of the predator species.
I was thrilled to come across this action near the end of my last dive of the weekend. Both the Gymnodoris rubropapulosa and the Chromodoris westraliensis were pretty good sized (approx 2.5-3 cms for the Chromodoris)
Locality: Ningaloo Reef, Exmouth, 7m, Western Australia, Exmouth Gulf, 07 October 2007, tidal, silty, coral/limestone structures. Photographer: Kristin Anderson.
The sea flea didn't stick around very long ;)
Hope it benefits the Forum.
Kristin Anderson
Anderson, K.J., 2008 (Apr 7) Gymnodoris rubropapulosa feeding. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Kristin,
It's always good to get records of these predatory hunters caught in the act. The act of catching and ingesting is often so quick that it's a wonder we ever actual see them feeding. I have had a couple of infuriating incidents when collecting with too few containers and having to have a large Gymnodoris share a container with a chromodorid. Inevitably the chromodorid 'disappears'. When this happens it's difficult to know whether this would happen naturally or whether the tempation was just too great for the Gymnodoris. It's certainly good to get an 'in the wild' rather than 'in the container' observation.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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